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Baked By V Catering Box


12 Organic Beef Empanadas, 6 Caprese Empanadas, 1 Pea Quiche, 1 Corn Quiche, 1 Onion Quiche, 12 Traditional Dulce de Leche Alfajores, 1 Havannet Pie *Click on the photo for ingredient and allergen information

Organic Beef Empanadas (Organic ground beef meat, onions, eggs, olive oil, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes) - 6 Caprese Empanadas (Organic tomato, mozzarella (Kosher) provolone, basil, and eggs
Peas Quiche (organic sweet peas, eggs, whipping cream, mozzarella (Kosher) and Parmesan cheese) 
Corn Quiche (Organic corn cream, eggs, onions, parmesan cheese, milk, flour
Onion Quiche (organic onions, eggs, whipping cream, oregano, salt, and pepper) 
Traditional Dulce de Leche Alfajores (Butter, flour, eggs, sugar and dulce de leche, all organic except dulce de leche and chocolate) 
Havannet Pie (Butter, flour, eggs, sugar, dulce de leche, dark and white chocolate, organic except dulce de leche and chocolates)
Baked By V, LLC

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